Use Local Leads for free during our open access!

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The easiest way to get local business leads

Streamline your prospecting process with local business leads. Get qualified leads based on your target verticals and locations within minutes.

Describe the business you want to target, not yours.
i.e. Your software company wants to target marketing agencies

Qualified, Fast, & Easy Leads

Just 3 simple steps

Step 1

Enter Target Business Type & City

Provide us with the service category that you are targeting and the location in which you want to search.

Simple To Use
Get 100s of high quality contextual and geographic leads with just a few clicks.
Advanced Targeting
Leverage geographic targeting to immediately increase the quality of your leads

Step 2

Create Disqualification Criteria

Save time by pre-setting your disqualifiers. Think company size, activity online, employee roles.

Save Time
Stop pouring over multiple links just to find a few good prospects
Comprehensive Qualifiers
Have all the data you need about your leads to disqualify and meaningfully contact them

Step 3

Get Targeted Prospects

Receive a curated sheet of leads. Including emails, contact information, company sizing, online activity, and more. You can trust the Local Business Leads and immediately email your prospects.

Full Power
Uses AI and advanced search algorithms to find strongly relevant matches to your target business type
Complete Data
Get all relevant contact information from emails, to phone numbers, to socials

Ready to grow your business?

Connect with real customers through a targeted geographic approach!


Pricing plans for all your needs

Tier 1

A taste of local leads


  • 50 searches per month
  • Full Geographic Targeting
  • Dedicated support
Get Started

Tier 2

Most popular

Finding all of your leads


  • 150 searches per month
  • Full Geographic Targeting
  • Dedicated support
Get Started


Contact us for a custom plan


  • Get the right fit for you
Contact Us

"I'm a BDR and my boss thinks I'm a beast at my job. I send significantly more emails to qualified leads per day"

Micheal Ashworth

Frequently asked questions